It started out great...with "go South on Highway 101 for 11 miles...", but then she started saying things like this...
Bonnie:"In 4 hundred feet, turn right, then turn right."
Me: "Wait...how many feet..?.. then 2 rights?"
Bonnie: "Turn right then keep left."
Me: " Well, I can't get over into that lane right now...."
Me..."just calm down, Bonnie...I'm trying to..."
Bonnie: "....Re-routing."
Me: "Look Bonnie, if you can't be nice I might have to make Dave from Australia my new BFF...I mean c'mon.
Bonnie: "turn Left, then turn right...just do it.
Me(in tears): ok...ok..."
Bonnie: "Researching point of interest.....point of interest does not exist."
Me: " what the....listen here girl friend...are we gonna have a chick fight? 'cause I will take you down!...Are you listening?"
Bonnie: "destination is in 200 feet."
Me: (sweetly)"Thank you, Bonnie."
We are getting along much better now. (but I'm not counting out Dave just yet..)
I am so glad your new BFF has such a great name! She seems like she knows what she is doing, but could be a bit nicer about her directions. I love you and I hope you and Cali are getting along too!
Oh my gosh, Denise, you just kill me, girl. My GPS has a grudge against me, so he didn't get to go to Hawaii with us.
I miss you guys! Please keep us up-to-date on your new life in Cali. Somehow I think we are going to see a lot of postings from your new locale. Love you,
Thanks! I needed that. Just something to laugh about. You know how the baby hormones go...sharply up with a crashing of down along with it. oh well. Thanks. Do you want to hear my student quote of the day?
"I have to go to the bathroom!! Oh...Wait!! Never mind...it went back in.
Children just have a way of putting it. loves!
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