Sunday, July 4, 2010


I love America.  I love it that in America, July is all about flags, and honor, and country, and patriotism.  I love it that you can go to pretty much anywhere in the country and see everyday people in every town show up for a parade...where other everyday people ride on a float and wave...and we wave back....and clap for, well...everyday people.  We celebrate each other and our tractors and horses and the guys who pick up after the horses.   We wear our red and our white...and of course our blue.  And we put on funny hats and are not ashamed of our funny hats.  I love that about us.  I love that honorable men and women serve us around the world.  They miss the parade and the bbq and the tractors and horses, so that we can on any given 4th of July have a fun holiday, free from fear.  I love you America....just the way you are.


April said...

Amen. I love how real it all is. It is touchable, loveable, hugable...Love America. Love you.

Kit said...

Man, I'm so glad we can wear our stupid hats, because I wore mine all weekend. I've become that weird, loud woman that has birds living in her hair. OK not really, it was a tasteful broad rimmed hat from banana republic. That doesn't help the looks I got though.