We just got home last night from Rexburg. What a blast. Kym(fabulous niece) married Adam(totally cool new best friend)....and oooohhhh what a party! The air was crisp and fallish(wonderful), the food was plentiful and beautiful(delicious), the bride was dressed in simple white(breathtaking), and my family was reunited(blessing). take a look for yourself and see what I mean...

Megan wore her RED shoes...

all the cousins were having entirely too much fun!

and the day....well it was truly awesome- in the true sense of the word!

Claire and I made the cakes...check these out-

The grooms' cake was chocolate Diablo cake with dark chocolate
ganache, almond filling and molded chocolate leaves.
The wedding cake was orange almond cake with chocolate ganache
filling and buttercream frosting.
The leaves on the wedding cake I made out of melted sugar along with
the nest for the birds. I love how it turned out.
(thanks to Claire for all her hard work...or it would not
have "turned out")The best part was catching up with my family. I love these people!!
I feel so blessed to be a part of their world.

I love you Kym.
...and Adam..."welcome to the family", good move.
Thanks for posting the pictures! I was so bumbed to not be able to come. We had all kinds of things come up last minute which made it impossible to get there =( I'm glad everyone had a great time. Kym is of course gorgeous! Way to go with the cakes I can almost taste them!
Denise, You are soooo amazing! I loved those cakes and what wonderful spun sugar. What can't you do?
We should hang out and laugh some more. Oh! I have your shirt done. Do you want me to give it to Kindle?
I love ya!
Wow, Kym looked amazing! I love the darker hair. The cakes look so cool that it made me hungry for them, hmmmmm....do I have to wait for another wedding? Dang!
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