20 years ago I was pregnant, stressed out, running on empty, and ready
to go crazy. The baby was due the end of October and to make matters
worse, our dog "Betty" was preggars too! To be quite honest, I was
praying that the baby would not be born on Halloween. There was just so
much going on with school, and costumes, and carnivals, and just
stuff...how was I going to fit having a baby in the middle of all that? A
stormy Halloween night came and the kids did their thing. I stayed
home to give out candy, when I discovered Betty in a total panic. She
was trying to figure out where she could go to hide...Oh how I
understood. We made a place downstairs for her and proceeded to help
her deliver her pups. I was sooo happy it was her and not me! I made
it for 2 more days before I went into labor, and baby number 5 came into
our world. I took Mattie home to kids, and dogs, and crazy, and my post baby surgery (tubal ligation) plus blood clot complications to boot. oh my.....

She was just days old...all the kids were outside messing with puppies and playing in the fall leaves....I fnally caught a moment of quiet with my new sweety. There we were, in the "eye of the storm" for just a few moments. I stroked her dark hair and kissed her full rosy lips....darling. I knew it was my last and I wanted to remember every moment. I whispered in her ear to not grow too fast so I could remember it for the rest of my life, what it feels like to touch my newborn babies head, or feel the wrinkles on her back. She responded with a long stretch and yawn. Then her little lazy head bobbled and she behaved like a bean bag...as if to say, "don't worry, be happy".

Looking back, I realize that she wasn't upset by all the chaos... She was listening to her own little drum beat and enjoying her life to the fullest. I have come to understand that Mattie has the most interesting drum beat....it became very evident as she got older. Her imagination as a little kid was unparalleled and some of her escapades were legend...like the ongoing fight at dinner time on who would get a girl fork vs. a boy fork. Yes you read it right....Personally,

I could never see any genitalia on any of the silverware, so what is a parent to do? We finally deciphered that the girl ones were the salad forks and the boy ones were dinner forks...who knew?...and how did she come to that conclusion with her parents as examples...hmmm? (I am taller than the DPR) I know, I know...it's that darn secret drum beat that she has going....
I try often to hear that beat...and occasionally we both hear it and dance and laugh together. And that's when I thank Heavenly Father....for sending her to us. With this crazy-good different drum beat, she is one of us...part of the band and she makes it all more interesting.
Twenty years ago I was pregnant...and nothing has been the same, since.