1.Jeff graduated from Basic!

Jeff is the the 3rd one back on the left (holding the light blue flag)...Holy cow, they look sharp! We weren't able to go to the graduation...but Claire said it was incredible! People were screaming and cheering and the guys were just down right tough! (So wish we could have gone.)
Did I mention....I am so darn proud?
2. Levi had surgery on his legs! He was diagnosed with "compartmental syndrome"..(where the membrane that covers the muscle doesn't expand enough when you exercise, causing major blood pressure and pain...) ouch! so they had to move his date back a bit and he has been convalescing for the last couple of weeks.(check out the sweet hat...beret style, and the sweet nurse, shaving his legs....you can tell Levi "hated" that!)
This is him after the surgery being a total dork...(he had crackers in his mouth)...and the great thing is that he doesn't remember a bit of it...;)
3. Had bronchitis...that was fun
4. Girls camp got over just in time for Youth Conference...
5. More wedding stuff....wat up wid dat?
6. played with little man. oh ya.
And it is official...we love CHERRIES!
7. April and Corbin came for a visit...so we went to the fireworks:

You know, July and fireworks are two of my very favoritest things...seriously....If anyone ever asked me what my favorite holiday was, the answer was always the 4th of July...but I found something I love to watch more than the fireworks...Sweet E watching the fireworks! He was so adorable (and so tired) Trying to keep his eyes open to see the big blasts...I couldn't take my eyes off him! I love that little man so much.
He also helped us wash the car.
8. A million other little life things also happened....and now?
August is mine to love and hold! All I want to do is a little painting, hold a new baby girl, and kiss on my sweet DPR. Please do not call me if you are planning on interrupting my plan.
Bye July...it was sweet.